Host Joe Valentino talks with Sober Coach Rob Ekno about finding the light in a life of addiction. Ekno shares how he went from a homeless addict to more than three decades of sobriety and living a fulfilling life.
Join Host Jaclyn Whitt as she inteviews Rob Ekno about his journey from homeless addict to a life in Hollywood. It’s not too late to change your life’s direction if you’re challenged by an addiction.
From New Zeland, Host Anthony Dahya interviews Rob Ekno about recovering from his addictions to alcohol and cocaine to living a life of purpose.
Host Dillon Barr of the Thought Leader Podcast interviews Rob Ekno about his award-winning speech and current book of the same title: The Book You’re Dying Not To Write. This podcast is focused on each of us getting over any hangup’s we’re stuck on to help us become our best. 48 mins
This was an impromptu podcast that turned out to be one of the most inspiring and powerful shows Rob Ekno has been blessed to be a part of. Hosts Chris Wilson and Jared Haley provided the perfect setting for a powerful, faith-filled conversation about God, staying fit, addiction, and recovery. 1:07
Club 36 airs on Augusta, GA TV 49 and has been seen around the globe for 40 years. Host Dorothy Spaulding interviews Rob Ekno about two of his books sharing his ever-evolving relationship with God and life from homeless addict to long-term sobriety. 90 minutes with music by Nu Purpose.
This conversation caused tears to flow. A very inspiring talk with Host Deanna Radulescu about my book sharing my life’s testimony: Cruising Toward Heaven…Navigating From Rough Seas To Miraculous Adventures. 32 mins.
Host Yves McKenzie hosts an inspiring night of music with the Jordan B. Band and guest Rob Ekno who shares about two of his award-winning books and his latest project. 60-mins.
Host Kelli Phillips of Biz.TV interviews Rob Ekno about one of his latest projects which was inspired by an award-winning speaking performance. 10 mins
Host April Chavez talks with Rob Ekno about sobriety and becoming our best, with an emphasis on Rob's book: Cruising Toward Heaven...Navigating From Rough Seas To Miraculous Adventures, in which Rob shares his life's testimony of going from homeless to more than 31 years clean & sober.
Host Tiffani Patlan interviews Rob Ekno about his book: Cruising Toward Heaven...Navigating From Rough Seas To Miraculous Adventures. Watch and listen to this engaging and inspiring conversation about Rob's former struggles with addiction and homelessness and God and how his story may help you or someone you know.
Host Armando Alcala is an amazing young man with many talents. Rob Ekno was honored to be a guest on his podcast and share some of his transformation from homelessness to more than 30 years sober, along with some Godly inspiration.
Host Debi Ronca, a Life Transition Coach, interviews author Rob Ekno about his book: Cruising Toward Heaven...Navigating From Rough Seas To Miraculous Adventures. Listen to this enlightening conversation about Rob's former struggles with addiction and homelessness...and God.
Host Armando Alcala talks with Rob Ekno about his journey to becoming a multi-award-winning author, and overcoming obstacles to being your best. 48 mins
Host David Figueroa interviews Rob Ekno about his book: Cruising Toward Heaven...Navigating From Rough Seas To Miraculous Adventures. Listen to this uplifting and entertaining conversation about Rob's former struggles with addiction and homelessness...and God. It's a conversation to help you, or someone you know.
Host Scott Maderer interviews author Rob Ekno about his book: Is It God OrCoincidence?...Coming To Grips With The Unexpected Wonders In Life. This is a very energetic and invigorating conversation about God and the incredible stories that He gave Rob to write about in this book.
BPM talks with Rob Ekno about his shocking story on how he survived death and found his way to God twice, then used those stories to write his book: Is It God Or Coincidence?...Coming To Grips With The Unexpected Wonders In Life.
Host Cynthia McIntosh has a vibrant and inspiring discussion with Rob Ekno about overcoming and traveling down the road to life’s best. 56 mins
Listen to Host Rob Ekno as he interviews intriguing and enlightening guests who share their life's testimony's regarding various forms of addictions and their often turbulent relationships with God. 269 episodes available.